Monday, September 13, 2010

Use VPN On Your iPad To Protect Privacy | Plus Special Giveaway Inside

August 26th, 2010 at 12:13 am - Posted by admin
When it comes to online privacy while using your iPad you need all the protection you can get. Luckily Golden Frog provides a service called VyprVPN that keeps your data safe. You may not be aware but your surfing as well as other online activities are constantly being tracked and recorded by your ISP and possibly other companies or individuals.
Take the recent situation involving AT&T for example. They were highly criticised for deep packet inspection, or in other words spying on their customers. Little did iPad owners know at the time that signing up for AT&T?s 3G network data plans was not so safe.
While sending emails or browsing the web using your iPad at a nearby coffee shop or library for example, in most cases the public Wi-Fi network you are using is anything but secure. This makes your personal data potentially vulnerable to eavesdropping and sniffing.
With identity theft on the rise you need to ensure your personal information is kept private.
How Does VyprVPN Work & Keep My iPad Secure?
When you perform any activities that require an Internet connection data packets are sent which include a header and a body. When you?re surfing the web for example all that is necessary is the header in order to determine where traffic should go. However it?s common for ISP?s to route this data, inspect the body of these packets and then use this information to spy, track and in some cases target advertising.
Using a VPN (Virtual Private Network) service such as VyprVPN prevents ISP?s from having the ability to view the body of these packets. Their service creates what is known as an encrypted end to end tunnel for all online transfers which prevents your data from being intercepted over Wi-Fi or 3G networks.
The iPad has native support for IPSec, PPTP and L2TP protocols. Currently VyprVPN has PPTP and OpenVPN plans with IPSec and L2TP plans expected to be available around the middle of September.
How Do I Setup VyprVPN On My iPad?
Once you have an account setup all you need to do is the following.
Step 01) Click on Settings ?> General ?> Network ?> VPN
Step 02) Click on Add VPN Configuration
Step 03) Select PPTP then enter the follwoing information:
Description: VyprVPN
Server: There are currently 4 different servers to choose from for Los Angeles, CA for Washington, DC for Amsterdam for Hong Kong
Account: Email address used to setup your Golden Frog account
Password: Your selected password
Step 04) Click Save
Here?s a couple of screen captures to help guide you.

So What?s This Giveaway You Speak Of?
The generous and hard working staff at Golden Frog have agreed to give one lucky winner from this site a 2 month top tier plan valued at $40, not a bad deal at all. Basically how it will work is the first 25 people to comment in this thread will be entered in a draw to be the lucky winner. Comments must be kept clean and on topic, NO SPAM will be tolerated. So best of luck to everyone!
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