Friday, September 24, 2010

Android Central Editors' app picks for Sept. 24, 2010

Many many hours are spent everyday inside of the Android Market, sometimes people strike big with a great application that will help them daily, other times they come up empty. For those who have been coming up empty, or just want to get a peak at what some others are using, we bring you another weekly edition of some of the applications we are using on our devices. So, let's take a look at what applications we got for you this week after the jump.

Kyle Gibb- Substrate Live Wallpapers Typically, I just keep a static wallpaper set as my background to preserve battery life. However, after finding Substrate Live Wallpapers, I may have to change my ways. The app comes with seven different patters, and allows you to select a white or black background. All users of phones with AMOLED screens (pretty much every phone by HTC and the Galaxy S line) can use the black background to save battery life. Each patter is completely customizable, from draw speed to colors used. Going to Menu > Wallpaper displays a special "configure" option for the app's wallpapers, so you can adjust settings without having to select and apply an entirely new live wallpaper My personal favorites are "Substrate" and "Sand Traveler." Free. [Market Link | AppBrain] Sean Brunett - Call Track CallTrack is a simple app that logs your calls to your Google Calendar. If you want a permanent record of when you called someone and for how long, this app is for you. Users are able to choose which calls are logged (outgoing, incoming, missed) and can choose which calendar to put them. (I?d suggest making a separate calendar in Google for calls or else it can get cluttered) It?s simple, yet very useful, so try it out! [Market Link | AppBrain] Dallin Hampton - AsciiCamera What's practical about AsciiCamera? Not much. What's nostalgic about AsciiCamera? Everything. This app wakes up that piece of you that's laid dormant for so long ? that is ? if you're old enough to recognize what this application is trying to emulate, if you aren't then it's just a neat little doohickey that turns an image into text that you can either copy to the clipboard or save as an image and pass around through copy/paste or MMS to your friends, colored or grayscale. One little issue AsciiCamera seems to have (at least with the Galaxy S line of devices) is when capturing an image in-app, it hangs on processing and never moves so for right now, just stick to altering things from your gallery. [Market Link | AppBrain] Phil Nickinson - Dropbox We talk about Dropbox from time to time. But you really can't appreciate its power until you use it. It's cloud sync done easy, and it works great with Android as well as with your desktop. On your computer, it looks like any other folder. And it automatically syncs to the cloud. You simply can't lose files due to a hard drive failure, theft or act of God. Same goes with your phone. You can upload and download files with ease, and it works in conjunction with a number of apps you may already be using. You get 2GB of storage for free, and can get more when you refer a friend. [Market Link | AppBrain] Jerry Hildenbrand - FarmVille Crop Timer Just because there's no "official" FarmVille application for Android doesn't mean that your phone can't help you make millions from your Grapes and Carrots. FarmVille Crop Timer is a easy to understand and easy to use app that fires off an alert when it's time to hit FaceBook and harvest. When you plant a field in FarmVille, fire up the app and create an alert for the type(s) of crop you've planted, and the application will let you know when it's ready. It might not help you get pink calves or fancy chickens, but it certainly does what it says on the tin. It's free, works across myriad devices (including the Moto Charm!), and on the Market. [Market Link | AppBrain]
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