Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Toccata iPad Case With Bluetooth Keyboard

August 26th, 2010 at 11:09 pm - Posted by admin
Earlier today Padacs announced the release of their new Toccata iPad case which conveniently comes with a built-in Bluetooth 2.0 keyboard. If you?re the type who prefers using a physical keyboard over tapping letters on your iPad screen then this stylish new accessory is especially for you.

The QWERTY keyboard is powered by a Lithium battery and can operate for about 45 hours on one single charge. A USB cable used to charge the keyboard is included in the package. Not only does the Bluetooth keyboard work well with your iPad, it?s also compatible with other iOS4 devices such as the iPhone 3GS and iPhone 4, as well as Mac, Linux and Windows based computers that are Bluetooth enabled.
Like many other iPad cases designed by Padacs, Toccata is made with leather and looks and feels stylish. The word Toccata itself is derived from toccare which is an Italian word that means ?to touch?.
If all goes well I should receive a Toccata iPad case soon and then will be able to do a full and professional review so stay tuned for that!
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