Monday, October 18, 2010

Chilean Miner Rescue is a very slow-paced and heart-warming Time Waster

Filed under: Games, Time-WastersChilean Miner Rescue is a very slow-paced and heart-warming Time Wasterby Sebastian Anthony (RSS feed) Oct 15th 2010 at 12:30PMBefore you get your hopes up, this is not an exciting game by any means. Chilean Miner Rescue is a celebration more than anything else -- a heart-warming tribute to perseverance!
The game -- if it can be called that -- is simple. You turn a wheel that sends a lift plunging down into the depths of the mine, you pick a miner up, and then you spin the wheel to return the mucky hero to the surface. Repeat that rather arduous process 33 times and you have Chilean Miner Rescue.
It takes about 10 minutes to play through, and boy does time crawl by slowly. But then you remember that these guys spent 69 days underground. That puts things quickly into perspective.
I admit I didn't play through the whole thing, so there might be some kind of surprise that awaits the 'winners'. Leave a comment if you make it to the end, and tell us your completion time too!
[via Neatorama]

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